Cpalead Review: Real Or Fake? [Deep Analysis]

Is Cpalead real or fake? Is this just another website to waste your time and give you peanuts? These and many more mind boggling questions about cpalead will be unveiled in this article.

Now bhustle took a first hand investigation about cpalead and our findings will amaze you. Before we begin it is important to note that cpalead is a CPA network. ‘CPA’ stands for ‘Cost Per Action’. In other words an action must be carried out before you can earn a reward, primarily a cash reward.

Bhustle has outlined the truths about cpalead which you should read before making your decision about cpalead. Ensure to make use of the table of contents below to help you navigate easily throughout this article. Now without further ado let us begin. 

What Is Cpalead?

The very first question on anyone’s mind who first stumbles upon cpalead is ‘what exactly is cpalead?’. On a general note, cpalead is a cost per action network that promotes advertisers offers to its users usually called ‘CPA marketers’. These CPA marketers promote these offers to their audience and get paid a commission from the advertisers whenever someone competes the offers.

Now this is basically the model of most networks and CPA marketing in general. However, cpalead claims to be beyond just a ‘cost per action’ or ‘CPA’ website. They also claim to be a ‘CPI’ platform. Now I know you must be wondering exactly what CPI means. The abbreviation ‘CPI’ simply stands for ‘Cost Per Impression’. What this simply implies is that at some point, Cpalead pays its users based on the views (impressions) they get.

This simply means that even if the users fail to complete a task from the offer, cpalead will pay the marketer for the view. There are still tons of ways to earn on cpalead, another is through what is called ‘cost per lead’.

Cost per lead denotes that CPAlead marketers earn a certain amount whenever their audience provides leads (email address, phone numbers, name etc). For more clarity and finalisation on Cpalead, bhustle has fetched an extract from Cpalead explaining more about themselves and what they offer;

“CPAlead is a real time bidding DSP and SSP marketplace that connects mobile app advertisers to anyone with mobile traffic. Whether you are an app developer who is looking to monetize their app, an affiliate marketer who is looking for direct CPI offers, or a mobile ad network looking for additional CPI offers, we have a solution for you.”

“CPAlead listens to our members by making their requests come to life. At any given time, our network is developing new marketplace and lead generation features based on the top requests we receive.

How Does Cpalead Work?

There is absolutely no specialty in the functionality of cpalead in comparison to other CPA networks. The process is very much simple and is as follows;

  • First new users create an account by signing up with Cpalead and gaining access to their respective dashboards.
  • These users then go through the cpalead offer walls and select offers (usually based on countries) to promote.
  • Users promote these cpalead offers and earn a commission whenever their audience fulfils the requirements of the tasks involved.
  • Users then withdraw their earnings on cpalead via any of the available Withdrawal methods/systems available on cpalead provided they meet the withdrawal threshold.

The above is a basic framework of how Cpalead works. It is important to note that there are other means of earning on cpalead asides promoting offers (all these methods will be discussed within these articles).

Cpalead Real Or Fake?

Bhustle has investigated Cpalead and we can boldly say Cpalead is legit. As a company, Cpalead is one of the most trusted cost per action networks on the internet and among CPA/affiliate marketers. Cpalead, unlike some scam/ponzi websites have stood the test of time. 

Cpalead was established in 2006 and ever since, the company claims to have made payments of over $100 million to all its marketers. A very questionable but yet possible feat considering the number of users Cpalead has worldwide.

Despite legitimate background, there are some scam-like activities that could be going on in Cpalead. Bhustle has reviewed lots of CPA marketing websites and found out that most have the tendency to promote ‘scam’ offers (Cpalead inclusive). Some of these offers go as far as requesting very personal details from their audience such as ‘credit card info’, ‘subscribing to sketchy sites’ etc.

These could be the major reason why most CPA offer links (cpalead inclusive) are banned across social media websites like meta, Instagram etc. Cpalead is indeed legit, but sometimes the offers they promote cause more harm than good to their audience.

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How To Signup On Cpalead

The signup process on cpalead is very straightforward, simply follow the steps below to get started immediately;

👉 Go to the official website (Click HERE to proceed).

👉 Select the menu icon at the top right of the page and click on ‘sign up’.

👉 Fill up the registration form by imputing the necessary details required (name, address and password). You can also choose to sign up using your google account by click the red button above the form which boldly reads ‘sign up with Google’.

👉 Click on ‘Submit Application’ after filling up the form and await approval.

👉 Next, carefully go through cpalead’s terms and conditions (which is really long but very interesting) agree and continue.

👉 Congratulations👏, you have successfully created your Cpalead account. All that’s left to do is to verify your address by clicking on a unique link cpalead will send to your email address and you can start earning.

>>> Click Here To Signup On CPALEAD <<<

How To Earn On Cpalead

There are three major ways to earn on cpalead. We are very much familiar with the fact that offers are the primary products in Cpalead, however, there are three different promotional routes for these offers;

Content Locking

Cpalead offers content locking features which enables marketers lick up important files, videos or documents from their audience. When their audience completes these offers they get access to the locked files or documents.

However, Cpalead has blocked the use of content lockers on their platform after carrying out research that proved that lockers are beginning to lose relevance in the marketing space. According to cpalead themselves here is what they had to say;

” We are moving away from content locking as we have seen the demand for content locking drop considerably over the last 2 years. Publishers have been finding that targeted mobile campaigns are greatly outperforming all types of content lockers and as a result, CPAlead is moving towards becoming a mobile focused network.

By targeted mobile campaigns, we mean sending country and device specific traffic directly to high performing CPI offers. For instance, a high performing offer that is meant for USA iOS traffic will greatly outperform a content locker. To us, it makes sense that we guide our publishers towards the highest performing strategies and increase our focus on what works best for publishers, and what works best for publishers is what earns them the most money.

On top of this finding, it is much easier to share a URL to a single CPI offer than it is to create and configure a content locker or landing page.

We hope you can see it from our standpoint. If our publishers can earn much more money by promoting a single offer, then there is no need to have distractions within our network that guide our publishers towards much lower performing strategies.”

Offer Walls

Cpalead also provides a “offer wall” feature. Bhustle comes to a vivid conclusion that the offer wall feature is the second most prominent way to earn on cpalead. Exactly what is an offer wall?

An “offer wall” is simply a page filled with CPA offers. Unlike a single offer, the users can choose from a variety of offers and decide which offer they would like to complete from the wall. This is very popular among gaming apps.

Similarly, offer walls have been a useful tool for monetization across most CPA networks (including cpalead).

Direct Offers

The most obvious and easiest way to earn money on cpalead is through the direct offers. Upon creating a new cpalead account, cpalead will show you some offers you can promote and earn money from.

Now selecting any of the offers and promoting them individually simply means you are promoting a direct/single offer. Unlike other earning methods we have seen earlier on, direct offers have a definite payout and more instructions. 

Some direct offers could only be meant for USA traffic, this means that promoting those types of offers to Nigerian traffic won’t yield any result and so on.

>>> Click Here To Signup On CPALEAD <<<


According to cpalead; “When someone signs up at through your referral link, we will pay you a 5% bonus for every lead your referral generates. So for every dollar they make, you will earn $0.05 from your referral for life. The bigger the publisher, the more money you will earn.”

How To Get Paid On Cpalead (Withdrawal)

To be able to withdraw your earnings on cpalead you need to have earned a minimum balance of $25. This is the minimum withdrawal threshold. When that criteria is met, observe the following steps to withdraw your earnings;

👉 Login to your Cpalead account.

👉 Click on the menu icon besides the cpalead logo and select the menu option ‘payments’.

👉 Under payment settings choose the preferred payment method with which you will like to receive your earnings (PayPal, payoneer, Check and ACH).

👉 Finally, click on save changes.

Cpalead automatically sends out payments at the end of the month. For more clarity, if you earn $25 in January on Cpalead, you will be paid your $25 earnings at the end of February. The same goes to February, March etc.

>>> Click Here To Signup On CPALEAD <<<

Pros Of Cpalead

👍 Cpalead provides a $25 Minimum Monthly Payment (Withdrawal threshold).

👍 Cpalead claims to have the Highest Payouts in their niche (partially true).

👍One of the major perks is that users get paid when their audience install apps.

👍 They are one of the very few Cpalead offers that offer ‘Direct CPI Offers’.

👍 Signing up for Cpalead is completely free.

👍 Cpalead offers various payout options some of which include; Paypal, Payoneer & More.

Cons Of Cpalead

👎 Has an outdated user interface for mobile users.

👎 Some offers are likely ‘spams’ since most CPA networks are prone to having such offers (Cpalead inclusive).

👎 Less offers for third world countries (India, Pakistan, Nigeria etc) as compared to some first world countries (USA, UK etc).

👎 Some users have complained of delayed payments alongside other related issues.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take Cpalead To Payout

Cpalead uses a Net30 payout feature. This simply means it takes about 30 days to process your earnings and dish out payments to its users. Therefore, if a user earns $250 in November, he/she will be paid in December.

Does Cpalead Pay Through PayPal

Yes, cpalead makes payment via PayPal. Other payout methods in Cpalead includes; Payoneer, Check by mail and ACH for residents of the United States of America.

How To Work In Cpalead

It is very easy to work on cpalead. First, create a publisher account. Second, select offers to promote. These offers could be in the form of direct offers, offer walls or banners on your websites. Third, earn commissions whenever your audience completes the offers you promote. Finally, get paid by cpalead when you reach the minimum threshold.

What Is Cpalead Used For?

Cpalead has two main uses. To the publisher, it is a means of monetization where they can earn from their traffic. To the advertiser,  cpalead is an advertising firm where they can promote their offers.

Does Cpalead Pay Per Click?

No, cpalead does not pay per click. The major earning features on cpalead are; payments per impressions (CPI), payments per lead (CPL) and payment per action (CPA).

What Is The Minimum Withdrawal From Cpalead?

The minimum withdrawal threshold on cpalead is $25. Once this threshold limit is attained, cpalead automatically makes payment to the already preset payment details of the user.

Does Cpalead Really Pay?

Yes, cpalead really does pay. According to statistics from cpalead, the company has made payments of over $100 million to its users ever since its conception in 2006.

Final Verdict

While cpalead might be a good way to earn passive income online, bhustle rates cpalead 3 out of 5 stars. This is primarily because there are way better platforms to earn much better amounts than cpalead.

However, cpalead can serve as a very useful monetization tool to app owners (especially in the gaming niche) who can effectively make use of their offer walls to monetize their traffic.

About Stefan C.

Focused On bringing you the best educational and finance related topics that will impact your life and the lives of millions.
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