Teck-ng.com is one of the latest investment platforms in Nigeria. In this article, Bhustle will be revealing the inner truths about this platform after carrying out our research about teck-ng. Furthermore, we will be revealing the legitimacy status of teck-ng.com, that is, if this investment website is legitimate or a scam.
Note: Bhustle blog is not an associate partner of teck-ng. In the same light, we are not under any sponsorship or partnership deal from teck-ng.com to write this review article, we simply carried out our research and penned down our findings.
Some of the questions about teck-ng.com we shall be answering today include; Is teck-ng investment legit or scam? What is teck-ng.com? When was teck-ng.com launched? Who owns teck-ng.com? How to withdraw from teck-ng.com? And so much more!
We therefore urge you to make use of the table of contents below to enable you to navigate through this article with ease. Also feel free to ask your questions or make necessary contributions about teck-ng in the comment section below. Without further ado, let’s begin!
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What Is Teck-ng.com?
Teck-ng.com is an investment website that claims to be in the provision of mineral resources which the world needs. This mineral resource as revealed during our investigation is “Cadmium“. Cadmium is a silvery soft metal used in the production of batteries, plastics etc.
Teck-ng.com however, revealed in their about us page that they are a leading mining industry in Canada. In their words they said;
“Teck provides important resources that the world relies on,and helps more investors make money makes life better!
Teck is one of Canada’s leading mining companies, focused on providing products that are essential to building a better quality of life for people around the globe.
We provide essential resources the world is counting on to make life better while caring for the people, communities and land that we love.“
And this so far is what we know about “teck-ng.com”. Additionally, the domain name teck-ng.com was registered on the 29th of August 2023. For being one of the leading mining companies within a couple of days is another story we will talk about later on in this article.
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How Does Teck-ng.com Work?
The entire process of earning on teck-ng is as follows:
📌 Interested users create a new account on teck-ng. This is free of charge and they get a free ₦500 sign up bonus.
📌 These users then proceed to deposit or recharge their accounts. This is to enable them purchase any of the investment plans on teck-ng.
📌 The users go through the investment plans and make their purchase. The smallest plan costs ₦2000 and earns ₦500 per day. The most expensive plan costs ₦500,000 and earns ₦200,000 per day. The entire investment is said to last for a period of 30 days.
📌 Users can make withdrawals on a daily basis provided they meet the minimum withdrawal threshold of ₦1000.
And this is the basic working process of teck-ng. You will notice that it follows the same pattern as many other investment schemes which later turned out to be ponzi schemes in the past. Now let us quickly address the burning questions on our minds, is teck-ng.com legit or a scam?
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Is Teck-ng.com Legit Or Scam?
From all indications, teck-ng.com investment is not a legitimate website. In fact, it is clearly a ponzi scheme. Although this platform is still very much active and paying out its supposed investors, we do not think they will last. Here are some reasons why;
📌 Teck-ng.com is a photocopy or dilupicate of a legitimate mining company in Canada (teck.com).
📌 There are no real offices/branches or even known staffs of Teck-ng. All details about the owners or branches of this platform are non-existent on the internet.
📌 Teck-ng relies heavily on referral based marketing. This promotional method makes it pass for a ponzi scheme.
And there you have it! Our listed reasons why we believe Teck-ng.com is not a legitimate website. All protocols duly observed, if you must invest in Teck-ng probably because of social pressure, we urge you to do so with money you are willing to lose! And not your life savings!
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How To Register On Teck-ng.com
To register and create your free account on Teck-ng, follow the steps below;
👉 CLICK HERE to proceed to the sign up page.
👉 On the demo home page as seen below, click on MINE;

👉 On the login form, click SIGN UP as seen below;

👉 Fill up the registration form that follows with your required details including your phone number, password and referral code as seen below;

(Referral Code: b1adb2455e)
👉 Finally input the captcha code as seen below and click on SIGN UP.

Congratulations👏, you have successfully created your Teck-ng.com account. You will be taken to your user dashboard immediately. As a sign up incentive, a free ₦500 sign up bonus will be allocated to your account.
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How To Make Money On Teck-ng Investment
The principal way to earn money on Teck-ng.com is through their investment plans. The size of the earnings greatly depends on the type of investment an individual purchases, some of them include;
🔥₦2000 to earn ₦500 daily
🔥₦5000 to earn ₦1300 daily
🔥₦10,000 to earn ₦2700 daily
🔥₦50,000 to earn ₦20,000 daily
(Maximum duration: 30 days)
To invest in any of the plans, follow the steps below;
👉 Login to your Teck-ng.com account.
👉 Fund/recharge your account to enable you buy investment. The steps have been explained in the next headline.
👉 On your Teck-ng home page, go through the investment and click on INVEST NOW in the one you have chosen.

👉 You will be taken to the product details page to have a review of your purchase, finally click on BUY NOW to confirm your purchase.

👉 You will automatically be redirected to the payment page as seen below. Simply copy the account details provided and make a one time payment of the amount you wish to invest.

👉 Input your name as used in your banking application in the space provided below.

👉 Finally click on SUBMIT.
Congratulations👏, you have bought your first investment on Teck-ng. By default, your daily earnings will be reflected on your dashboard exactly 24 hours after your purchase was made.
Your deposit will first be validated/verified by an admin before your investment is approved.
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How To Withdraw Your Teck-ng.com Earnings
To withdraw your earnings from Teck-ng follow the steps below;
👉 Ensure you have reached the minimum withdrawal threshold of ₦1000.
👉 Login to your Teck-ng.com account.
👉 On your dashboard click on “Mine”.
👉 On the profile page, click the orange WITHDRAW button as seen below;

👉 Input the amount of money you wish to withdraw in the section marked “Withdraw Amount”
👉 Click on “Add Bank” to input your banking details as seen below;

👉 Finally click on SUBMIT.
Congratulations👏, you have successfully placed your first withdrawals on Teck-ng. Your withdrawal will be placed and sent to your bank account within 24 hours of your withdrawal request.
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👍 High return on investment.
👍 High referral rewards.
👍 Up to 10 tier referral bonuses.
👎 Teck-ng.com is not a legitimate website.
👎 It might not stand the test of time.
👎 It is a duplicate/photocopy of a legitimate mining company in Canada (teck.com).
See Also:
🔥NGAwin.com Review: Legit Or Scam?
🔥Goldmansach.pro Review: Legit Or Scam?
🔥Beebike.TV Review: Legit Or Scam?
Final Verdict
Finally we urge interested people to only register on Teck-ng.com with money they are willing to lose. Always remember that as long as the missing items dictated in this article about Teck-ng are not stipulated, it remains a ponzi scheme. Do ensure to thread wisely!
Also we have reviewed a lot of legitimate websites where you can earn money by working legitimately on the internet. CLICK HERE to access them for free.
Do ensure to join our community of over 1200+ subscribers on YouTube where we share the latest ways to earn money online. CLICK HERE to subscribe for free.
Kindly leave your questions, contributions or confusions in the comments box below, peace.
I made payment on this Tech-ng.com
Yet my money haven’t reflect
Someone should please help me
This my number…..090***8673
Click on forgotten password when next you want to login.
How long has the teck started function?
About a week ago.
I refer a new member and she has invest with 2,000 but it has not reflect in her account since 3 days ago. Pls help
Pls d withdrawal has been on processing since Friday, what might happen???
There is no opay bank in bank section
Use normal bank account. Besides, we advice you to stop investing on teck.ng
How long does there withdraw takes to reflect
Facing the same issue since Friday. How do you go about it?
Don’t put ur money on this site
Called Teck
Cause if you do your money will go
Even mine that I put since last week haven’t
I made withdrawal since 7sep but it’s still under processing
Even My Money In Barrick -gold Was Gone Since 3weeks Ago
Teck pay me but the people I referred are on my neck because they haven’t gotten their money back
They have crashed, just as stated in this article.
Why is not opening again
Please is there any new link for the teck website
They have crashed
They have crash and God will punish you
Sincerely sorry for your inconveniences, next time try to read our review before investing. Everything about the illegitimacy of Teck-ng was revealed here even before they crashed. And no, the Almighty GOD won’t be doing any punishing today.
How long does the withdraw takes to drop
Reports has it that they have crashed.
My first withdraw was still under processing since yesterday 8/9/2023.
Someone should please help out.
My number: 07062284319
They have crashed
My first withdraw was still under processing since yesterday 9/9/2023.
Someone should please help out.
My number: 08033651818
They are scammer, their site is not opening anymore