is yet another investment platform that was launched recently in Nigeria. This platform was created by the owners of the previous investment website. Despite the considerably fair record of schroders (as upheld by many investors), is a legit investment scheme or just another scam? Well this and many more we shall address in this article.
Note: Bhustle blog is not an associate partner or under any sponsorship deal from to write this review article. We simply carried out our research and penned down our findings. We do encourage you to visit their official website to make further findings if need be.
Some of the questions we shall answer in this article include; is Sothebysclub top legit or a scam? How to make money on When was sothebysclub launched? How to invest on How to withdraw earnings on sothebysclub? What is sothebysclub minimum withdrawal? And so much more!
Therefore, we urge you to make use of the table of contents below to enable you to navigate through this article with relative ease. Also do ensure to ask you questions and make necessary and related contributions down in the comments section below. Without further Ado, let’s begin!
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What Is is an online investment platform that was launched in mid September 2023. The platform was officially announced by the founders of investment platform via their official telegram channel.
Unlike schroders investment platform, on sothebysclub users invest in watches. Although they claim to be an auction website, they are more of an investment platform than an actual auction website. According to sothebysclub;
“Sotheby’s, the world’s leading auction house, is here to help you realise your freedom of wealth. Join us at Sotheby’s now and you can build your own team and rent antiques and curios for a steady income!”
Additionally, they grant a free N200 sign up bonus to all new members. The minimum investment amount on this platform is N3300. Finally, sothebysclub was launched on the 16th of September, 2023. The owners of this platform however, are still anonymous (unknown).
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How Does Work?
If you had previously invested on, then you probably already have a good insight on how works. But for context sake, the platform follows the pattern below;
👉 Users sign up and create a new investment account on sothebysclub.
👉 These users are awarded a free N200 sign up bonus. However,they will need top top up or deposit money on their dashboard to enable them buy their first investment on sothebysclub.
👉 After funding their accounts, users can now proceed to buy any of the available investments on this platform. Some of them include;
📍 N3000 Investment to earn N495 daily
📍 N7500 Investment to earn N1125 daily
📍 N28000 Investment to earn N4200 daily
📍 N56000 Investment to earn N8400 daily
📍 N98000 Investment to earn N14900 daily.
👉 After purchasing your choice Investment plan, the user is now eligible to earn daily profits.
👉 Users can request for withdrawal after reaching the minimum withdrawal threshold of N2000. Withdrawals can be made on a daily basis.
The above is the exact working model of the investment platform. Pretty straight forward. Now let us address the obvious question on the hot table, is legit?
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Is Legit Or Scam?
Despite the massive payout and successful withdrawals from users of this platform, is not a legit platform. This is because the legitimacy of an online investment platform goes beyond a successful withdrawal. Here are some of our reasons;
📍This platform was announced by telegram group admin and the initial Schroders platform ended up crashing after a few months of operation.
📍The owners of this platform are still unknown. This is a major red flag for investment websites.
📍There are no real investment products.
📍It might just crash, although the “When” is unknown.
Now these are some of our reasons why we strongly believe that is not a legitimate website. However, as at the time of writing this review article, they are still very much paying out their investors.
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How To Register On
To register on sothebysclub follow the steps below;
👉 Click HERE to proceed to the registration form.
👉 Fill up the form with your accurate information including your mobile number and password as seen below;

👉 Input the captcha code by inputting the digits in the patch as seen below;

👉 Finally click on the white REGISTER button.
Congratulations 👏, you have successfully created your investor account. You will automatically be taken to your dashboard and a free N200 signup bonus will be allocated to you.
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How To Invest And Make Money On Sothebysclub
Just as emphasised earlier, the primary way to earn money on sothebysclub is by investing and earnings daily returns on investment. To begin, follow the steps below;
👉 Login to your account.
👉 On your dashboard, click on the home menu as seen below;

👉 Go through the investment plans as seen below and make an investment of choice (depending on how much you want to invest).

👉 To invest in a plan, simply click on the orange buy button as seen below;

👉 Congratulations 🎉, you have successfully purchased your very first investment on platform.
👉 Your investment amount will automatically be removed from your dashboard balance.
Additionally, your daily profits will start reflecting on your dashboard 24 hours (the next day) after your investment purchase. To be able to invest in this platform, you first need to fund/deposit money on your account. Follow the guide below to get started.
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How To Fund/Recharge Your Account
To recharge or deposit money into your sothebysclub account, follow the procedures below;
👉 Login to your sothebysclub account.
👉 Click the “MY” menu button as seen below.

👉 On the profile page, click on RECHARGE.

👉 Enter the amount of money you wish to recharge in the deposit page. The minimum recharge amount is N3000. Then click on RECHARGE.

👉 Copy the account details provided in the payment form as seen below and make a transfer of the amount you input in the previous page. Also copy the transfer narration, and paste that in your narration while making the transfer from your bank application.

👉 Ensure to take a screenshot of a successful transfer.
👉 Proceed back to the payment form and input your name (as appears in your bank) and upload the screenshot of successfully payout in the spaces provided below.

👉 Finally,click on SUBMIT.
Congratulations 🎉, you have made your first deposit/recharge on platform. Your deposit will be reflected on your dashboard after your payment has been verified by the administrator. This process usually takes between 5 – 10 minutes.
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How To Withdraw Earnings On
Before proceeding with the withdrawal steps, it is important to note that users must invest in any of the available plans on sothebysclub before they can withdraw. If you already have an investment follow the steps below;
👉 Ensure you have reached the minimum withdrawal threshold of N2000.
👉 On your dashboard, click on the “MY” menu option below the screen.
👉 On the profile page, select the option Withdraw, just beside your account balance.

👉 Input the amount of money you want to withdraw on the withdraw firm and click on WITHDRAW CASH.
👉 Congratulations 👏, you have placed your first withdrawal on platform. Your withdrawal will be processed and paid out within 10 – 20 minutes of your withdrawal request.
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👍 Free sign up bonus (N200 per user).
👍 Variety of investment plans.
👍 Ridiculously high returns of investment.
👎 It is a Ponzi scheme.
👎 It might not stand the test of time.
👎 The owners of this platform are unknown.
👎 Greatly dependent on referral based marketing.
See Also:
🔥 Review: Legit Or Scam?
🔥BBRFUN Review: Legit Or Scam?
🔥Mines234 Review: Legit Or Scam?
🔥 Review: Legit Or Scam?
Final Verdict
Finally we urge interested people to only register on with money they are willing to lose. Always remember that as long as the missing items dictated in this article about sothebysclub are not stipulated, it remains a ponzi scheme. Do ensure to thread wisely!
Also we have reviewed a lot of legitimate websites where you can earn money by working legitimately on the internet. CLICK HERE to access them for free.
Do ensure to join our community of over 1200+ subscribers on YouTube where we share the latest ways to earn money online. CLICK HERE to subscribe for free.
Kindly leave your questions, contributions or confusions in the comments box below, peace.
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