So bhustle just stumbled across this online earning/investment website known as Over the past few weeks prime share has been on the trend in three major countries in Africa which include Nigeria, Cameroon and Ghana.
As you might already know, this website promises different ways of earning money for its users which we shall look at in this article. Bhustle took its time to carryout a comprehensive investigation about so as to bring you the best possible unbiased review about this platform.
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In this article we shall be disclosing what is all about, revealing if is legit or scam, the ways to earn money on Primeshare and lots more. Kindly make use of the table of contents below to help you naivhate through this article.
See Also: OGADS REVIEW: Legit Or Scam? [Deep Inner Look]
What Is Primeshare (
According to, it is an initiative set up to foster the learning of digital skills in the present day generation. It also claimed to be a website where its users cab buy and sell ebooks and also carryout some forms of affiliate marketing on the platform and receive commissions as high as 80% per sale.
It also offers a wide customer base audience for digital entrepreneurs who wish to sell their digital products online but do not have the knowledge. was launched in April 2023.
Overall, the initaive of the platform seems quite captivating and believable. However, one major problem with the description provided by the Primeshare team in their “about us” page is that they failed to mention any name linking with the company for more transparency. No CEO, no manager, no nothing.
How Does ( Work?
The way work is very simple. First, interested users need to make a one time registration fee of #4000 to get a special coupon code. This coupon code will be used during registration to complete the users registration process and access his/her dashboard.
After successfully registering, the user can now access his dashboard and earn. The earning processes on are pretty simple but still not less different from other ponzi schemes.
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First, there is the referral program, where users can earn up to #3000 per referral. Then there are different daily tasks which pays little amount of money for doing jobs like sharing posts on WhatsApp etc.
Accompanied with these are the eBook and affiliate marketing earning methods on Users can upload their own eBook and make dales on primeshares. And alternatively, promote other peoples products for a commission.
On average, the minimum withdrawal threshold is about $40. When this limit is reached, users can request for withdrawals. Withdrawals are paid about 24 hours after the placement.
Now this is just a little summary of how the entire platform works, its earning methods and how withdrawals are made. It is also important to note that users earnings are recorded in the United States dollar ($)and not their local currencies.
( Primeshare Legit Or Scam?
Although primeshares disputed claims about being a ponzi scheme in their about page with the words:
“Primeshares skills does not associate itself in any form of illegal activities neither do they collect investments and promise low or high interests on them. Since it’s a registered business, it frowns at any form of investments.”
Because of the nature of things going on in the website, a lot of users and even internet review sites have found it quite difficult to tell if primeshares is legit or scam. However, Bhustle finds this website to be a scam website and we have outlined our reasons below.
Why Is Actually A Scam
- There is no information about the owners or the brains behind the website. Other company’s and websites have known owners yet primeshares does not have a single known owner. This trait is very similar to other fallen ponzi schemes.
- There is absolutely no valuable information about on domain checker. Whois domain checker is a website that gives information about other websites. It provides valuable information such as when a domain name was registered, the name phone number and even the location of the registra. Unfortunately, all these information apart from the registration date seems very falsified on whois
- The users set their location to Iceland yet the website is currently only available to Nigerians, Ghaninans and Cameroonians.
- Although no form of investment and hilarious returns was involved in the website promotiom, the registration fee of #4000 and affiliate programs gave it away. The affiliate program is the highest earning method on the website, think about it for a few minutes. Why will a website be willing to pay you #3500 to bring new users meanwhile non of its earning methods on the actual website can earn you that much at a go? Very simple, because they know people are triggard by huge earnings and whatever pays more is what people will engage in, hence the referral pays the highest thereby giving this platform free promotion and exposure to more people who will be ready to register and repeat the cycle.
How To Register In Primeshare (
If after the prompts above you still want to register and earn on then follow the procedures below to get started:
- Go to and click on the menu bar at the top right hand side of your screen.
- Click on the register button as displayed in the menu options.
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- That leads you to the signup page. Fill up the form with your correct information and click on create account.
- Congratulations🍹, you have successfully created a primeshares account.

Note: New users cannot register on primeshares (psskills) without a coupon code. This coupon code is sold by psskills (primeshares) coupon vendors on WhatsApp. Simply follow the points below to purchase your coupon code and complete your registration.
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How To Buy PSSKILLS.NET (Primeshares) Coupon Code
Primeshares coupon code serves as a means of validation/authorisation on the platform. Usually, new users cannot register fully on primeshares ( without a coupon code. This coupon code can be bought from coupon vendors at the price of #4000. Kindly observe the following to purchase your coupon code:
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- Go to the official primeshares account (
- Click on the menu tab at the top right hand side of the page.
- Select the menu option “coupon vendors“.
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- That then leads you to a page containing the lists of primeshares coupon vendors you can contact for your coupon code. Simply select a vendor of your choice, you’ll automatically be redirected to WhatsApp where you can chat with the vendor. This vendor sends you an account details where you are to make a one time payment of #4000 after which your coupon code will be sent to you.

- After deciding your coupon code, the next thing is to check and verify your coupon code.
- On the primeshares menu bar, click on coupon checker.
- Input the coupon code you just bought in the space provided and click on check coupon status.
- If the status of the coupon code is not used, proceed to complete your registration. But if it had been used by another user, contact your coupon vendor and file your complaint.
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This is the exact step by step guide on exactly how to create/buy ( coupon code.
How To Withdraw From Primeshare (
To withdraw and cash out your earnings from, simply observe the following guidelines;
- Ensure you have reached the minimum withdrawal balance (about $12 for earning balance feature and $40 for the PS trend feature.
- Click on the bank logo/icon at the button of the screen.
Note: If this is your first time of placing withdrawals, you will be given a form to upload your necessary banking information.
- Click on the withdraw button at the top right hand side of the screen.
- Input the amount you want to withdraw in the space provided and click on withdraw.
- Ensure you input the withdrawal amount in dollars and not your local currency. Primeshares will automatically convert it and send it to your bank account.
>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Up Now <<<<<<<<<<<< Features Explained
Primeshares ( comprises various tabs and features. In this short, I’m going to give you a short overview of all the features of (primeshares) and also their uses so you don’t get confused along the line.

Earning Balance
The earning balance is the bonus users get from referring new users to the platform. Each successful referral attracts a commision of $6.4 and about $0.20 for indirect referrals.
The earning balance can be withdrawn on primeshares withdrawal days which is on Mondays and Thursdays between 10:00am and 12:00pm.
The minimum withdrawal amount for the earning balance feature is $12.
Ebook Sales
EBook sales is the bonus users make by selling ebooks on (primeshares). As explained earlier on, active users on can upload and sell ebooks on primeshares.
Affiliate marketers on primeshares help promote this ebook and when a sale is made, the commission is split 70%-20% between the marketer and the owner of the ebook in that order.
Ps Trend Earnings
PS trend is the daily earning method on (primeshares). Primeshares provided tiktok/YouTube videos daily on the PS trend, users are expected to share these videos to their WhatsApp status. Upon sharing these videos on WhatsApp, you earn $1.
Also, users get a free $5 PrimeShares trend earning upon registering for primeshares. The minimum amount of withdrawals for the PS trend earnings is $40. Therefore it takes approximately 40 days of sharing videos on WhatsApp non-stop to be able to earn $40 from the PS trend earnings feature.
Withdrawals for the PS trend earnings are made only on the 2nd of any month. Any other date apart from the second would result in a failed withdrawal process.
Referrals Feature
This feature keeps track of the total number of people that registered on primeshares ( using your referral link. It is important to note that primeshares makes a payment of about #3000 ($6.4) to you for every successful referral you bring to their platform.
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Indirect Referrals
These are the people who joined primeshares through your referrals. It is important to note that primeshares is like a referral network. Therefore, you also get paid whenever your own referrals refer other people to the platform. Users earn about $0.4 to $0.2 per indirect referral on primeshares.
All Time Earnings
This is the total amount of money the user has earned in primeshares. It includes all earnings right from the very moment you created your account and also all withdrawals made in the past and your current earnings combined.
Current Earnings
This includes all your present earnings which you are yet to withdraw. It ranges across the eBook sales, PS trends balance and your earning balance.
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Pros Of PSSKILLS.NET (Primeshares)
👍Proves to be a good way to market your digital products (ebooks). This is because there are hundreds of users who are willing to promote these products to earn money.
👍Unlike other ponzi sites, it does not promise extravagant returns on investments with non-existent companies.
👍 (primeshares) has stood the test of time and shows very little (negligible) signs of genuineness.
Cons Of PSSKILLS.NET (primeshares)
👎It displays huge ponzi scheme features and may likely crash soon.
👎The owners of primeshares ( are unknown and deliberately his their information away from the internet. So, if it crashes, there will be no way to track the perpetrators.
👎It is a continuous circle of referrals. The other ways of earnings are most likely not the main purpose of primeshares.
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Final Verdict
After conducting a thorough research on (primeshares), it is important to note that this website will not be sustainable in the long run. Bhustle rates primeshares ( 1.5 out of 5 stars.
I place my withdraw for ps trend earning since on the 02 of June but my account was not fund and you want me to trust and called my friends and family to praticipate in psskills pls I have my budget on this money.i will be waiting for you
Thanks for your comment.
First, if you went through the article, you’d see that I don’t endorse or urge anyone to participate in the psskills program let alone invite your friends.
Secondly, if you have a withdrawal problem, I suggest you try contacting their administrators or customer service to explain your issue to them.
Thank you.
Thou I have being paid ooo I was referred by a friend. I have cashed out in pstrend 3times now.
You’re a lier just because I and all my referral have never seen the after 40 days trend and we have proof the is a big scam. On the second it will never and when we even successful updated the withdrawal of the 40 days on 3 or 4 we never see the money. You’re also a criminal.
Psskills have scam my money for no reason there are wicked
My brother they are criminals we have to get a way to land hand on them. I want to use a court order in FCT. With all the vendors the are working together they’re criminals
Please after reading everything,I will like to know the exactly time to withdraw for the ps trend earning on the second of every month thanks for your reply
Check the withdrawal time for pstrend earnings. If not, its best to withdraw at night between 12am to 3am because of online traffic during the day.
They don’t pay ps trend earning. It’s just an avenue to lure people to participate and generate traffic and likes on their page so it can seem too real. What a deceit.
You are so correct my brother.
They don’t pay for ps trend, that is the only thing I decided to participate in, and it has happened. Their pool page refuse to open.
Thanks for your response, we also believe prime shares has crashed. A lot of people faced similar challenge as of yesterday.
Are you serious
Why are members finding it hard to withdraw the ps trend. It is always showing “bad gateway”:’ERROR CODE 502′
Good day, we suggest you contact their support team. As stated earlier, Bhustle is not under any partnership or collaboration with prime shares/psskils.
I think it has crashed
It didn’t crashed ,they are thief.. y this time , they off there server so no one can log in to they site
I think this primesahre is just here to scam people , they are. Not trusted … Everyone can’t log in into the site withdraw , on 2second of August .. the website is saying ” badgate way”. they are real thief . It’s just a waste of time … Pls don’t refer anyone to primesahre again , please people… Those people are real scammer
Liar is a scam network
Of course it is a scam network, did you go through the review?
As the time of PS tend withdrawal, between the time of 12m to 3am on 2nd of every month, the site would not go through. They only pay referral, ps Trends is just waste of Time scam like
My comment about prime share is so sad.on the second with all my referral none was be able to make it. But with a lot of disturbance I was informed that on the 3th of August from6pm to 4th to 6pm for those that did make it should withdrawal. What I did on the 4th after 12 :20 am . But my suprise was that i did see the money in my account this same with my referral. But with a lot of disturbance my vendor send me a message from prime share that they will start paying from 5th to 20th of August. Sometime someone needs to be patient if even am not happy. But is very bad ,and also expecting my paid my all my referral that we all expected on the 2nd of August. For the referral is fast but for what is happening right away the have to explain so anyone that want it will do it if not interested you quit. Still expecting my money with my referral.
So sorry to hear this, I hope they pay you your money.
They have never paid us after 20th Of August the vendor of prime share Daniel Ayomide was showing attitude . We all understand that is a big scam. Hope you’re not working with them because you should let people know that they’re real scammers. Something can be don with the the court about the account of the vendors we have proof
My dear brother and sisters ps trend is a very big scam stay clear of them don’t try referring anybody to them they only but to eat people’s money and put you in a fight with your refferer