So you probably stumbled across Digitstem affiliate marketing network and simply astonished about all the hype around the platform. You also must have seen people claiming to earn hundreds of dollars weekly from this platform and so much over exaggeration online.
Bhustle has carried out an in-depth analysis on affiliate network and in this article will reveal to you all the truths and things you need to know about Digitstem. So, if you have been asking yourself questions like; what is Digitstem? Is Digitstem legit or a scam? How does Digitstem work? And so on. Bhustle will provide detailed answers to all these questions.
Note: Bhustle is in no way affiliated to Digitstem and we will not try to sell you any course in this article. Be rest assured that this review is from an unbiased perspective and may include positive criticism.
Kindly make use of the table of contents below to help you easily navigate through this article.
What Is Digitstem?
Digitstem is an affiliate marketing network where individuals can host their courses and digital products as vendors and also earn money from promoting these courses as affiliates.
Digitstem is just like every other online affiliate network like expertnaire, shareasale etc. The only major exception is that Digitstem is still new and requires a form of a fee/payment before one can start earning on Digitstem.
Below is a quick introduction of Digitstem according to the founding owners:
“Digitstem is an all-in-one online marketplace designed to cater to the needs of vendors, affiliates, and customers. Our platform offers a unique opportunity for affiliates to earn commissions by recommending products to customers.”
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How Does Digitstem Work?
Due to Digitstem’s paid nature, many people are curious to know exactly how this platform works. Well it will surprise you to find out that in terms of operation there is nothing special about Digitstem as compared to other affiliate networks.
First, users create an account by filling up the registration form and buying the compulsory $10 per year subscription plan before they can start promoting other people’s products as affiliates. Which basically means you can’t earn on Digitstem without subscribing first. It’s just like saying, you can’t get enrolled in school without paying the necessary enrollment fees and charges, same scenario.
After purchasing this course and completing your registration, you will be granted access to your affiliate dashboard after approximately 24-48 hours. During this period I guess the Admins/owners are going through your application and most definitely (maybe) setting up your account.
After accessing your Digitstem affiliate dashboard, users can now earn. There are two major ways to earn money on Digitstem, through promoting other people’s products hosted on Digitstem (affiliate marketing) and through referring new users to Digitstem (promoting Digitstem itself).
For each earning method, a specific commission is allocated to the user whenever someone purchases the products they are marketing. There are lots of claims that individuals can earn up to 50% commissions on Digitstem. Well it basically depends on the product you are promoting and how much share of commission the owner is willing to share with affiliates.
Now after making a bunch of sales here and there on Digitstem. Users can request for withdrawals once they have attained the minimum threshold of $25. Although earnings are recorded in dollars(US dollars), whatever your country of residence is, your earnings will automatically be converted and sent to you in your local currency.
For Nigerians the exchange rate as at the time of writing this article is about #500 to a dollar. And yes, this is a quick summary of exactly how Digitstem works.
Digitstem Legit Or Scam?
Now down to the question on most people’s minds, is Digitstem a scam? Well, No. Bhustle conducted a quick research about Digitstem and Digitstem shows no scam related potentials. Although the payments or buying of a course before one can become an affiliate can raise some eyebrows, it’s entirely not a new thing in this industry.
Affiliate networks like expertnaire requires new users to pay about #60,000 to become full active affiliates. And is still today one of the biggest affiliate networks in Africa at present.
Secondly, unlike some spammy ponzi schemes, Digitstem has known owners. Digitstem specifically set a special page to introduce its founders and cofounders to its audience. A remarkable move to boost user confidence about Digitstem.

Lastly, Digitstem has stood the test of time. Digitstem was established on the first of July 2022. And ever since has amassed over 50,000 users, an incredible feat for a fresh start up brand.
How To Join/Sign Up For Digitstem
As stated earlier on, Bhustle is in no way affiliated with Digitstem. So observe the following prompts carefully to register and become a full time affiliate on Digitstem;
👉 Go to on your mobile or desktop browser.
👉 Click on the menu icon at the top right side of the page and select register.
👉 Fill up the registration page that follows with your correct information. You will be presented with two forms to fill simultaneously.
👉 Verify your account and email address using the link and 6 digits code that will be sent to your email address.
👉 Congratulations👏, you have successfully created your Digitstem account.
Unfortunately, you cannot earn money on the new account you just created. In fact you will most likely be redirected to a membership page that looks just like the one shown below;

As stated earlier on, new users cannot make use of Digitstem unless they pay the compulsory $10 (#7700) per year subscription plan. To do so simply observe the following;
👉 Login to your newly created Digitstem account.
👉 On the menu section, select the option titled “Deposits“, subsequently, select the sub menu titled ” deposit now“.
👉 Select the payment gateway you wish to use in the options provided.
👉 Input $10 as your deposit amount. This is because of the charges normally associated with making online payments.
👉 On the next page, click the “pay now” button. You will automatically make payments via the flutterwave payments gateway.
P.S: After successful payment, your deposit amount will be reflected on your Digitstem account. With this deposit, you can now pay for the yearly subscription plan by observing the prompts below;
👉 On the menu bar of your Digitstem account, select the menu option “Membership“.
👉 Select the sub menu titled “plans” and review the affiliate plan you are about to subscribe to.
👉 Click on “buy now” and choose your wallet balance as your payment method.
👉 Click on “confirm” and your affiliate subscription will be active.
Congratulations you now have an active Digitstem affiliate account. You can now access the market place feature and see through lots of affiliate offers to promote and earn a substantial amount on Digitstem.
Digitstem Inner Features Explained
Pros Of Digitstem
👍It is a legitimate way to make money online.
👍For vendors, it reduces the costs of spending on ads since affiliates handle the promotion.
👍Payments are made weekly (every Saturday).
👍There are various varieties of digital products to promote on Digitstem.
👍Users get to earn in dollars. A psychological way to boost their motivation to work harder.
Cons Of Digitstem
👎One of the major red flags about Digitstem is the affiliates. Numerous people lie on the internet claiming new users cannot access the Digitstem affiliate network without buying a $40 UMM course, but it’s all a fallacy. All you need to register as an affiliate is just #5000 ($10) for the yearly subscription and you are good to go.
👎It is not a free way to earn money online. Users have to buy a course to become affiliates.
👎Some courses might take forever to market and get leads because of their prices (too costly).
👎The Digitstem website user interface is a bit too average. Nonetheless, there will possibly be improvement in the future since it’s still new.
👎There are too many false hypes about Digitstem on the internet. And this is because these hypers are affiliates who also want to earn from reselling certain courses on Digitstem.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How Does Digitstem Pay?
Digistem pays directly to affiliates bank account which they provide during their withdrawal process. For affiliates who reside outside Nigeria, Digitstem makes use of PayPal to process payments.
Who Is The Owner Of Digitstem?
Digitstem was cofounder by a group of individuals all of which are: Ifiokobong Akpan, Odudu-Abasi Akpan, King Leo and Uche Festus. These are the known cofounders of the Digitstem affiliate marketing network.
How Much Is The UMM Course On Digitstem?
The Ultimate Money Machine course costs approximately $40 (#20,000 in Nigerian naira. It was initially sold at a discount of $20 (#10,000) during the early launch of the Digitstem affiliate platform.
Is Digitstem Free?
Unfortunately, Digitstem is not free. Users have to pay a compulsory $10 subscription fee. This subscription lasts for a year.
Final Verdict
Digitstem is a good way to make money online, if and only if you can afford the initial payments for yearly subscription ($10) which in turn grants you access to become an affiliate. Bhustle rates Digitstem 3 out of 5 stars.
For starters who might not have the money to pay, there are tons of other free affiliate websites where you can access numerous affiliate offers for free, a very good example is Stakecut.
Ok, how much in Uganda shillings will I pay to start up as an affiliate marketter
For affiliate marketing, it is best you purchase this: It covers the entire sphere hovering around affiliate marketing including sales funnels and running ads. In Ugandan shillings its approximately 182,925 ($50).
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