Bamboo Investment App Review: The Whole Truth

Investing in the United States stock market is one of the wisest decisions an individual can make. However, unlike other countries, Bamboo app is one of the few stock investment apps (brokers) in Nigeria. But is bamboo a safe place to invest your money? Is the Bamboo app legit or a scam? What are the features of the Bamboo app? 

All these are questions that deserve an answer. And in this article you will get the answers to the questions you have been asking about the bamboo investment app. Feel free to drop more questions and contributions down in the comments box below.

Personally I have used the bamboo app for some months and the answers I will provide are solely based on my personal experience while using the Bamboo investment app. In this guide we’ll be looking at; what the bamboo app is all about, is bamboo real or fake, how to create a bamboo account etc.

What Is Bamboo Investment App ?

Bamboo investment app is an online broker where you can buy and sell US shares,bonds,ETFs and equities. In simple terms, with the Bamboo app you can become a shareholder with some of the biggest companies in the world which are listed on Bamboo.

Bamboo App Logo

Currently, there are over 3000 shares listed on the Bamboo investment app. This means that there are over 3000 foreign company shares that are available for sale on the bamboo app. More company shares are frequently added to the Bamboo app at certain periods of time.

The bamboo app has over one million downloads from google play store alongside an overall rating of about 4.2 out of 5.

Bamboo App Reviews

The consumer rating on google play store is our first proof that the bamboo app is actually a legit platform and safe for your stock investment.

Downloads from playstore

Bamboo Investment App is one of the very few Nigerian stock exchange platforms that has been approved by the Nigerian Securities Exchange Commission (thus further verifying its authenticity).

How To Make Money On Bamboo Investment App

To make money on the Bamboo app, you need to buy shares. When the shares you bought go higher in value you can sell your shares and keep the profit. Bamboo is very much similar to the Binance app, the major difference is that binance is mainly focused on crypto currencies while Bamboo investment app is niched down on stocks like Facebook stock, Apple stock, Amazon etc. There are three major ways to make money on the Bamboo app and we shall be looking at each if them individually.

  • Buying And Selling Of Shares In Bamboo

This is the most common way to make money in the Bamboo investment app. The general rule of stock investment applies here, “buy low and sell high”. All you have to do in this method is to buy a stock at a low price and sell the stock when the price rises.

So assuming one share of Tesla is currently worth $100 and Mr.A buys a share of Tesla at the current price. Two weeks later, the price of a Tesla share rose to $150, Mr.A can now sell off his shares and make a $50 profit. This is exactly his this strategy works, you simply buy a stick at a considerably low price and sell it at a higher price.

Investment screenshot

People who use this method to make money on Bamboo investment app are known as traders. A trader is a person who takes profit from his stick within a short period of time. As seen in the example above, it took only two weeks for Mr.A to sell if his shares, that is called trading. However, people who choose to bug a stock now and take their profit in the future (let’s say 5 years to as many years as possible) are known as investors.

  • Bamboo Fixed Returns

This is precisely the safest way to make money on the Bamboo investment app. The Bamboo fixed returns is managed NY the bamboo platform itself. It involved you investing your money in a bamboo feature known as ” fixed returns ” for a certain period of time after which you will be rewarded some profit when the duration expires.

Bamboo fixed returns

So assuming Mr.B decides to invest in the Bamboo fixed returns program, he will choose a specific period of time which he wants to partake in this program, it could be 3 months, 6 months or even one year. Mr.B’s investment money will be locked up until the period of time he chose elapses, then a specific profit will be added to his initial investment.

So Mr.B can decide to deposit N100,000 into Bamboo fixed returns for a period of 6 months. At the end of the six months, an interest of N8000 (assumed interest) will be added to his initial investment after which he can now withdraw his entire funds. 

  • Buying Dividend Stocks On Bamboo App

A dividend stock is a stock whose shareholders are entitled to dividends. Think of dividend sticks as a small scale real estate business. In real estate you simply buy a property, rent the property out and start making passive income from the rent you are collecting. In dividend sticks, you simply buy a stock, and you get paid a certain peerage of your money yearly just like real estate.

Dividend shares explanation

Coca cola stock is a good example of a dividend stock. When you buy coca cola shares, you are entitled to a yearly payment of about 2% of your original investment. The good news is that there are hundreds of different dividend stocks on the Bamboo investment app.

On the bamboo app, when your dividend income is paid, it will be transferred immediately to your Bamboo wallet. Although some other apps provide the leverage for you to reinvest your dividend payment back into the stock on autopilot (automatically), I still generally prefer the direct payment to your bamboo wallet other than automatically reinvesting the money.

  • Bamboo Referral Program

The Bamboo referral program is yet another way to make serious money from the bamboo app. You will earn a whooping 2.5% of your referrals first deposition bamboo if its over $20. Assuming Mr.C used my referral link to sign up on Bamboo and further more bought his first stock worth $100, I will be paid $2.5 for that referral. This is another way to make money in the bamboo investment app.

Is Bamboo Investment App Legit Or Scam?

Bamboo investment app is a legit platform. Judging by some of the statistics we have seen above you can clearly see that the investment app is genuine. First and foremost, Bamboo is a registered company under the SEC (Securities Exchange Commission) of Nigeria.

Secondly, the Bamboo investment app has an overall review of 4.2 out of 5 with over a million downloads from google play store which is above typical.

Finally, I have been using and still using the bamboo app for some months now and personally have not experienced any issues. They have a wonderful and quick-to-respond customer care service. 

Also Bamboo has insured all its user accounts up to $500,000 under the Securities Investor Protection Corporation. 

All information needed to know about the platform are public including the name of the founder of Bamboo investment app, the details about the companies start-up etc.

How Bamboo Investment App Make Money

The Bamboo investment app makes its money mainly by the means of trading fees. As st the time of writing this content, the fee for carrying out any transaction in Bamboo either selling or buying a stock is 1.5% per trade.

So there, if you wish to buy a company share with $100, you will be charged 1.5% (equivalent to $1.5) as trading fee. The fee will be deducted from the money you want to invest. Same thing happens vise versa when you want to sell your shares.

How To Create A Bamboo Account To Trade Stocks

Bamboo App Features Explained

Bamboo App has a very simple and easy to use app interface. The interblend of the green and white color in the app makes the app more attractive and most importantly more detailed. Some of the cool features contained in this app will be explained below.

Stock Tab And Fixed Returns Tab

These are the largest and easily noticed section of the bamboo app. The stock tab keeps record of the total amount of money you have invested in the stock market. It also gives you an overview of how all your stocks are performing. 

Bamboo app homepage

To see more detailed insight about your stocks, click on the “portfolio breakdown” to see more details like your overall stock chart, profits or loss, total amount invested etc. The fixed returns section also gives you more details about your total investment and due date for taking your profit.

Bamboo Watchlist

This section contains all the stocks you wish to monitor or observe for a certain period if time before making your final purchase decision.

Bamboo app watch list

So assuming you found a stock, but you are quite indecisive about buying the stock, you can add the stock to your portfolio watchlist. This way you won’t have to look for that particular stock in the bamboo app (in case you forget the stock name).

Featured Themes Feature

Bamboo uses this feature to educate and enlighten their users. In this feature you can get to see the stocks some of the most wealthy and influential men in the world are currently buying (Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Charlie Munger etc).

Bamboo app featured themes

Also bamboo uses this feature to help different different types of stocks to make it easier for you to locate and choose the type if stock you want to buy. They have included tans like “real estate stocks” which contains all the available stocksvin the market that falls under real estate. Others include; oil and gas stocks, most bought stocks, sport stocks, gold ETFs etc.

Bamboo Top Movers Feature

This feature shows an overview of the best performing stock in the US market within a period of about 24 hours. In simpler terms, it simply means that every single day, Bamboo app will show you the stocks that performed best in the entire market.

Bamboo app feature

You also get to see the worst performing stocks in the market. So basically, this feature helps create more awareness to the Bamboo users about potential stocks they can consider buying or staying away from.

Bamboo Stock Of The Month Feature

Bamboo uses this feature to educate and suggest to their users a single stock which they have analysed from the entire market and most importantly which performed better than other stocks within a period of 30 or 31 days (one month).

Bamboo Recent News Feature

This is undeniably one of the best features of the Bamboo investment app. This section is all about the news! Most times some stocks perform very poorly and investors might not have an idea why their stocks dipped. However, this feature goes in depth to bring investors stories of events that might have an effect or already had an effect on the stock market.

This feature can be used to foretell the direction of a stock in the nearest future. Assuming Google is planning on going on a one week break, during which the Google browser, Google play store and other Google features will be automatically shut off. From this news we already know that during the week of the break, the Google stock will massively dip (loss value), this will prompt investors who are currently invested in Google to sell their shares.

On the other hand, it can also serve as a means of making a lot of people shareholders in Google, because many will use the dip opportunity to buy more Google stocks at a cheaper price. But recall that all these was made possible because of the NEWS!

Thee are some of the key features of the Bamboo investment app. Bamboo app aldo makes it very easy to understand the features of their app. Simply select the “book icon” on the menu section of the app and you will have access to some free lessons and teachings about the Bamboo app and stock market investing.

How To Fund Your Bamboo Investment App Wallet

After successfully creating and verifying your bammboi account, you can now became a stock owner. In other to buy your first share in the Bamboo app, simply follow the instructions below:

  • Firstly, ensure that you have verified your Bamboo profile (that is providing your national identity card or Bank verification number during the registration process). This is because you won’t be allowed to purchase any stock without verifying your identity first on the Bamboo app.
  • On the home page, click in the tab labelled “account” on the menu section of the app.
  • Click on green “deposit” button to fund your Bamboo wallet. The minimum deposit amount is $10 (N7100 in Nigerian currency). Font worry about the currency, your money will automatically be converted to the dollar equivalent.
  • Input the amount if money you want to deposit and click on the green “deposit” button below the page.

Note: This will redirect you to another page where you have to select you desired form of depositing the money, either through bank transfer, credit card or from a domiciliary account (dollar account).

When that is done, you will be redirected to flutterwave where the bamboo app account details will be on display. 

Copy the account details and proceed to your banking app, ensure to deposit exactly the figure you are shown in flutter wave even to the last cent (kobo). This is to avoid payment problems and complications in the future.

 When you are done with the transafer, come back to the flutter wave page and cluck on the yellow button that reads “I have made this payment”. Now you can relax, after a few minutes (or some times hours) your balance will reflecting on your bamboo app. Bamboo will notify you with an email confirming your payment.

Now that you have successfully funded your Bamboo wallet, you can now proceed to buy the sticks of your choice.

How To Buy Stocks On The Bamboo Investment App

  • On the Bamboo home page, click on the “buy a stock” button at the top of the page.
  • Use the search box to search for the name of the stock you want to buy.
Bamboo app search feature
  • Click and select on the stock you want to buy. This should lead you to the stock analysis of the company you have chosen.
  • On the analysis page, click on the green “buy” button below the page.
Bamboo app feature
  • Select ‘buy now’ if you want to make the purchase now, select ‘buy when price increases’ if you want to purchase the stock at a higher price and finally select ‘buy when price decreases’ if you believe the stock price will reduce and want to buy it at a cheaper rate.
  • After clicking on ‘buy now’ you will be asked to review and confirm your order. And congratulations! You are now a shareholder with the company you have bought.

Related: Stakecut Review: Legit Or Scam? All Features Explained

Pros And Cons Of Bamboo Investment App


👍 It is a very easy way to access the US stock market and equities without too much paperwork (just downloading an app).

👍 Each user account on Bamboo is insured up to $500,000 per account, a unique feature other online brokers cannot currently brag about.

👍 The Bamboo app provides a better exchange rate from naira to dollars (for withdrawals).

👍 app has a very ‘easy to use’ and ‘easy to navigate’ design.


👎 The commission fees per trade are ridiculously high compared to other online brokers.

👎 Exchange rate is extremely high compared to other brokers (for deposits).

Frequently Asked Questions

Is My BVN Safe With Bamboo?

Yes, your bank verification number is completely safe with the Bamboo investment app. They only need it to confirm that you filled in your real credentials when creating a Bamboo wallet and possibly for withdrawal reasons.

What Is The Minimum Amount To Invest In Bamboo?

With as little as $1 you can start investing in the bamboo app. However, the minimum to deposit in your bamboo wallet befire you can start investing is $10.

Is Bamboo Investment Legal?

Yes, Bamboo investment is legal. Bamboo investment app is registered under the Securities Exchange Commission of Nigeria and the United States of America. Furthermore, bamboo app is registered under the SIPC (Securities Investors Protection Corporation).

How Do You Earn Money From Bamboo?

The major way to make money on the bamboo app is by trading or investing in stocks. Other ways to make money on the bamboo app include investing in the bamboo ‘fixed returns’ feature, bamboo referral feature.

What Is The Minimum Withdrawal On Bamboo?

There is currently no minimum withdrawal limit on the bamboo app. You can directly withdraw your money to the bank anytime you wish. However, withdrawals made to a domiciliary account (dollar account) attracts a fee of $45 while withdrawals made to a naira account attracts a fee of N45.

Final Verdict

Bamboo app is a great app. On a scale of one to ten, I will give bamboo investment app an easy 7.5 out of 10. Bamboo app is a great way to start your investment journey especially if you are still a teenager seeking to create more passive income through legit investments.

To get started with the bamboo investment app, kindly register below. 

Kindly drop your thoughts, comments and opinions in the comments box below, I would be delighted to attend to them.


About Stefan C.

Focused On bringing you the best educational and finance related topics that will impact your life and the lives of millions.
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2 thoughts on “Bamboo Investment App Review: The Whole Truth

  1. Only for teenagers. You are charged 1usd for 1usd stock. Should the fail to perform you will be charged 1usd for selling 1usd stock. Meaning you just dashed Bamboo 2usd while you. MADNESS

  2. Only for teenagers. You are charged 1usd for buying 1usd stock. Should the stock fail to perform you will be charged 1usd for selling the non performing 1usd stock. Meaning you just dashed Bamboo 2usd while you get 0usd. MADNESS

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