In this article we will be walking you through the step by step guide on how you can register and create a free account on investment platform. We shall also be covering other key aspects including how to deposit, how to make money and how to withdraw your earnings on Teck-ng.
Note: We sincerely urge you to go through our review of the investment platform before making any financial decision on this website.
In the same light, kindly make use of the table of content below to enable you navigate through this article with relative ease. Also doe ensure to ask your questions or make necessary contributions about Teck-ng in the comment section below. Without further ado, let’s begin!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> REGISTER NOW <<<<<<<<<<<<<
How To Register On
To register and create your free account on Teck-ng, follow the steps below;
👉 CLICK HERE to proceed to the sign up page.
👉 On the demo home page as seen below, click on MINE;
👉 On the login form, click SIGN UP as seen below;
👉 Fill up the registration form that follows with your required details including your phone number, password and referral code as seen below;
(Referral Code: b1adb2455e)
👉 Finally input the captcha code as seen below and click on SIGN UP.
Congratulations👏, you have successfully created your account. You will be taken to your user dashboard immediately. As a sign up incentive, a free ₦500 sign up bonus will be allocated to your account.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> REGISTER NOW <<<<<<<<<<<<<
How To Deposit/Recharge Your Teck-ng Account
How To Invest On
The investment process on Teck-ng is very straightforward, simply observe the steps below;
👉 Login to your account.
👉 Scroll down your homepage to the cadmium investment plans as seen below;
👉 To invest in a plan, simply click on the green INVEST NOW button.
👉 You will be directed to the product description page as seen below. Simply review your investment plan and click on BUY NOW.
👉 You will automatically be redirected to the payment page as seen below. Simply copy the account details provided and make a one time payment of the amount you wish to invest.
👉 Input your name as used in your banking application in the space provided below.
👉 Finally click on SUBMIT.
Congratulations👏, you have bought your first investment on Teck-ng. By default, your daily earnings will be reflected on your dashboard exactly 24 hours after your purchase was made.
Your deposit will first be validated/verified by an admin before your investment is approved.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> REGISTER NOW <<<<<<<<<<<<<
How To Withdraw Earnings On Teck-ng Website
To withdraw your earnings from Teck-ng follow the steps below;
👉 Ensure you have reached the minimum withdrawal threshold of ₦1000.
👉 Login to your account.
👉 On your dashboard click on “Mine”.
👉 On the profile page, click the orange WITHDRAW button as seen below;
👉 Input the amount of money you wish to withdraw in the section marked “Withdraw Amount”
👉 Click on “Add Bank” to input your banking details as seen below;
👉 Finally click on SUBMIT.
Congratulations👏, you have successfully placed your first withdrawals on Teck-ng. Your withdrawal will be placed and sent to your bank account within 24 hours of your withdrawal request.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> REGISTER NOW <<<<<<<<<<<<<
Final Verdict
Finally we urge interested people to only register on with money they are willing to lose. Also do ensure to go through our legitimacy review of in case you wish to know more about this platform before making any financial decisions. Do ensure to thread wisely!
Also we have reviewed a lot of legitimate websites where you can earn money by working legitimately on the internet. CLICK HERE to access them for free.
Do ensure to join our community of over 1200+ subscribers on YouTube where we share the latest ways to earn money online. CLICK HERE to subscribe for free.
Kindly leave your questions, contributions or confusions in the comments box below, peace.
I’m so unhappy with what tech has done to me after my wife and my daughter were seriously sick in the hospital! On the 7th day of September 2023, all my accounts were emty but one of my neighbors introduced this platform to me and according to him, he started investing in the platform and got paid for a week and some days. I was so happy and I quickly borrowed 20k from my bank and registered on the platform which according to them, I will earn up to 168k in 30 days! And I saw my earning of 5600 plus 500 reward for a new member. But when I tried to withdraw, they kept saying bank processing for more than 3days and yesterday the links refused to work till now!!! I cried and called on God Almighty to intervene on my behalf!
Same here
Some one also introduced me to the platform. I registered just two days into registration the website refused to open again. Let’s all write to the bank they used to collect these moneies (Wema Bank) and request that they should hold teck responsible. They can’t continue to do this. This is about the second time this is happening to me. First FAMZHI in Kubwa where I invested 100k few months they went out of operation and refused to pay and this Teck now.