Have you been looking for real payment proof about BBRFUN before you sign up? Well in this article, we have summed up a list of earnings and also screenshot proofs of some outstanding earnings from BBRFUN.
Note: It is very important to note that Bhustle is not under any paid sponsorship from BBRFUN to write this article. We solely took out our investigation and penned down our findings to you.
We also strongly advise you to go through our review of BBRFUN before deciding your next move concerning BBRFUN.
With that said, kindly make use of the table of contents below to enable you to navigate through this article easily. Let’s begin seeing some figures!
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How Much You Can Earn On BBRFUN
This is one important question a lot of newbies ask about BBRFUN. In all honesty, no one can tell you how much you can earn on BBRFUN. It is basically a gambling website, hence, you only make money when you win.
On the other hand, you lose money when you fail to win a game. However, the upside of BBRFUN is that users can bet games with as low as #1. So this basically makes them avoid losing much. But as the rule implies, if you stake small money on a game and eventually win that game, your earnings will be low compared to another person who won the same game but staked higher. Hence, it is safe to call it a gamble.
Now that we have settled the question about how much you can earn on BBRFUN, let’s see some real life earnings from users like you.
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Precious Ben BBRFUN Earning
The first person on our list is Precious Ben. She is a renowned Facebook influencer with over 15,000 followers on her personal profile and over 100,000 followers on her page (HER).
She has been one of the strong ambassadors of BBRFUN and makes approximately #20,000 per day from BBRFUN. Overall we can estimates that she has made over #200,000+ from this platform so far. Below is a screenshot of Ber earnings:

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Anna BBRFUN Earnings
Anna has been one of the most influential BBRFUN ambassadors. She has a massive followed base on Facebook consisting of over 50,000+ people who follow her wall. She has earned approximately over #3,000,000 from BBRFUN.
She was also awarded an extra #800,000+ as a salary from BBRFUN for being active on the space. Although we can most definitely attriviyte the majority of her success on this platform to her referrals. We cannot dispute the fact that it has made a massive impact in her earnings thus far.
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Susan BBRFUN Earnings
Alongside Anna is another influencer widely known as Susan on Facebook. She has over 20,000 Facebook followers. She too was one of the early promoters of BBRFUN. She has earned over #1,500,000 from BBRFUN.
She consistently shares her winnings and also loses from her bets to her audience. On one several occasions she has won over #100,000 from BBRFUN games (not referrals). She was also recognised as one of the most active influencers of BBRFUN and was rewarded handsomely by the platform alongside Anna.

Dwaelo BBRFUN Earnings
Dwaelo popular called Dwae on fa eBook is yet another but you her influencer on Facebook. The upcoming musical artist has earned over #400,000 in total income from BBRFUN.
He sometimes partakes in giveaways to share his winnings with his audience. Dwae has over #20,000+ followers on Facebook who follow his page. Below are some screenshot of his earnings on BBRFUN.

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How To Sign Up On BBRFUN
Now I’m pretty sure you are hyped up about this platform. Simply follow the guide below to register and get started;
👉 Click HERE to proceed to the BBRFUN sign up form.
👉 Fill up the form with your correct information. Input your phone number and password where necessary.
👉 Agree to the terms and conditions and click on the yellow “Sign Up” button.
👉 Congratulations👏, you have successfully created your BBRFUN account.
We can both agree that the registration process was a breeze. However, the rather confusing stage is the deposit stage. (Click Here to learn how to deposit on BBRFUN).
As you must have known by now, you need to stake money before playing games on BBRFUN. Being that it’s basically a gamble, you can double (or even triple) your staked amount if you win.
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Note: If you have successfully signed up for BBRFUN CLICK HERE to join our YouTube guidance/coaching group. In this group you get to connect with other learners on BBRFUN and also learn how to play, when to play and the best amount to stake per game. Join now!
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Final Verdict
Now before you proceed, it is important to note that a majority of their earnings come from referrals. On the other hand, winning from games is a 50/50 chance because you can either win or massively lose.
So either ways, we urge you to only stake amounts that you are capable of losing. It might be a get rich quick scheme to some buy to others who play foolishly (with greed) it will end up bankrupting you.
Finally, we once again urge you to go through our honest review about BBRFUN before you begin staking in this game. Feel free to drop your questions and confusions in the comment box below.