is a prop trading firm. On this website gamers can get financial leverage to trade the financial market. Before you proceed to sign up on Alphacapitalgroup, ensure to go through this article to really see if this website is legit or just another scam. However, Bhustle blog is here to uncover all the details about this website. We have carried out all the underground research and presented you with our findings about online website.
There are lots of unanswered questions about this platform which we shall address in this article some include; is legit? When was launched/established? What is the founder of Where is the headquarters of And so much more!
Note: We are not under any sponsorship/partnership deal from to write this review article. We simply carried out our research and penned down our findings. We do encourage you to carry out your own personal research where necessary.
We urge you to make use of the table of contents below to help you navigate through this article with relative ease. If you have any questions or contributions regarding the platform feel free to ask them in the comments section below. Without wasting more time, let’s begin!
What Is
Alpha Capital Group is trading with more than one functionality, so based on your interest in this platform, it could mean any of the definitions below:
Generally it is seen as a Proprietary Trading Firm:
- Functioning as a proprietary trading firm, Alpha Capital Group engages in trading using its own capital instead of handling client funds.
- Specializing in the foreign exchange (forex) market, they extend funded accounts to eligible traders.
- Upon passing their assessment, traders can operate with a virtual account funded by Alpha Capital Group.
- Successful traders have the opportunity to receive a portion of the profits and transition into full-time roles with the firm. Basic Website Information
Name | Alphacapitalgroup |
Category | Trading Website |
Website Address | |
Owner/CEO/Co-founder | Amirreza Shafaat |
Domain Registrar | Fasthosts Internet Ltd [Tag = LIVEDOMAINS] |
Registration Date | 2021-11-16 |
Expiring Date | 2024-11-16 |
Location/Country | UK |
Organisation | Nil |
HTTPS Certificate | Yes |
Contact Mobile No. | Nil |
Contact Email | Nil |
Is Legit?
After our (Bhustle) thorough analysis on, we have come to a conclusion that this website is legit. Overall it has an excellent rating score from trusted rating sites like Bhustle. There are lots of factors leading to this conclusion which we shall discuss under the PROS/ADVANTAGE section of this Alphacapitalgroup review article. But overall, it is important to note that passed a majority of our online security checks, hence we deem it a legitimate website.
✅ has a valid SSL/HTTPS certificate.
✅ has been established and has an online presence of over 12 months.
✅ has an excellent average rating and positive reviews across other rating sites.
✅ does not have any blacklist record.
✅ does not contain any illegal phishing activities as per Flashstart.
✅ Alphacapitalgroup is quite very popular among gamers.
✅ The founders of is Lionel Bernard.
❌ Some worrisome complaints about customer funding, most due to delayed KYC verification process.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Legit? is a legitimate trading firm. It has a trust score of about 4.5 on trustpilot.
Who is the CEO of
The CEO of is Amirreza Shafaat.
Where is the headquarters of
The headquarters of from our findings and research made on whois domain checker, seems to be located in the UK.
When was Launched?
We can’t tell exactly when Alphacapitalgroup was launched; however, the domain name was registered on the 16th of November, 2021.
Final Verdict
Following our positive findings about, you can proceed to have your dealings on this website. Also do ensure to consult Bhustle blog for any related reviews like Alphacapitalgroup.
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Kindly leave your questions, contributions or confusions in the comments box below, peace.