Rcg-s.com Review: Legit Or Scam? (The Truth)

Rcg-s.com is a newly launched investment platform hailing from Nigeria. This platform was launched on the 16th of October 2023. It raises doubts by claiming ties to the Royal Caribbean Group, a renowned global cruise company operating 63 ships and navigating over 1,000 destinations worldwide. But can these claims be true?” Is Rcg-s.com legit?

There are lots of arising questions about this platform which we shall address in this article some include; is rcg-s.com legit? When was Rcg-s.com launched? What is the minimum withdrawal amount on Rcg-s.com? Will Rcg-s.com crash? What is the minimum investment amount on Rcg-s.com? And so much more!

Note: Bhustle blog is not under any partnership or sponsorship from Rcg-s.com to write this review article. We simply carried out our research and penned down our honest findings. We do urge you to make due research where necessary.

In this light, feel free to make use of the table of contents below to enable you to navigate through this article with relative ease. Also ask your questions or make necessary contributions about the Rcg-s platform down in the comments section below. Without wasting much time, let’s begin!

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What Is Rcg-s.com?

As explained earlier on, Rcg-s.com is a newly launched investment platform hailing from Nigeria. This platform was launched on the 16th of October 2023. It raises doubts by claiming ties to the Royal Caribbean Group, a renowned global cruise company operating 63 ships and navigating over 1,000 destinations worldwide.

How Does Rcg-s.xom work?

Below is a sole breakdown of the entire earning process on rcg-s.com;

📍 Investors sign up and register in team-trade to access their investment plans.

📍 Investors then proceed to fund/recharge their accounts to enable them purchase any of the available Investment options.

📍 Investors purchase an investment plan on rcg-s.com.

📍 Investors earn daily profits depending on the Investment plan they chose.

📍 Profits can be withdrawn once the users accumulates up to N1000 (minimum withdrawal threshold).

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Is Rcg-s.com Legit Or Scam?

All protocols duly observed, we do not think rcg-s.com is a legitimate website. In Fact they are more of a Ponzi scheme than an actual business.

To start up with, the owners of this platform are unknown. There is no proof of an actual partnership between Rcg-s and the Royal Caribbean Group.

As a matter of fact, we heavily doubt if they have any branch here in Nigeria. Thirdly, most platforms with such ridiculously high return on an investment end up crashing sooner or later, and we see no different case for Rcg-s.

But if you still want to proceed on this platform, we urge you to do so with money you are willing to lose at any given point in time.

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How To Get Started On Rcg-s Investment Website

👉 Click Here to proceed to the sign up page.

👉 On the sign in form, click the SIGN UP text.

👉 Fill up the sign up with the information.

👉 Complete your registration by clicking in the sign up button below the page.

Congratulations 👏, you have created your rcg-s.com account. 

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How To Purchase Investment On Rcg-s.com

👉 Sign in to your Rcg-s account.

👉 On your home page, scroll down to the section labelled COIN CENTRE.

👉 Go through the available Investment plans on Rcg-s. The least expensive plan costs N2000 while the most expensive plan costs N500,000.

👉 To purchase an investment plan, click on INVEST NOW.

👉 Confirm your purchase by clicking on the amount you want to purchase on the pop up bar.

👉 Your purchase will be processed immediately.

Congratulations 👏, you have made your first investment on rcg-s.com platform. By default your earnings will be reflected on your dashboard after 24 hours of making your investment purchase.

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How To Fund/Recharge Your Rcg-s Account

👉 Sign in to your Rcg-s account.

👉 On your dashboard click on the recharge button at the top left side of the screen.

👉 Input/select the amount of money you want to deposit in the space provided and click on RECHARGE.

👉 Copy the account details provided in the payment form and make a one time deposit of the amount. Proceed back to the payment form and input your name as it appears in your bank account under the section marked *Step 1* and click on “I HAVE PAID”.

you have successfully made your first deposit on “rcg-s.com”. Your earnings will be reflected shortly after it has been validated by the Rcg-s team.

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How To Withdraw Earnings On Rcg-s

👉 Sign in to your Rcg-s.com account.

👉 Click on the Withdraw button at top of the screen.

👉 Input the amount of money you want to withdraw in the section marked *Withdrawal Amount. Finally click on WITHDRAW.

The minimum withdrawal amount is N1000, so ensure you have earned up to this amount to enable you process a successful withdrawal.

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👍 High return on investment.

👍 Low minimum withdrawal.

👍 High referral bonuses.


👎 It is not a legitimate way to make money online.

👎 No information about the website owners.

👎 It will not last/stand the test of time.

👎 No real/physical products or offices.

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Final Verdict 

Finally we urge interested people to only register on Rcg-s.com with money they are willing to lose. Always remember that as long as the missing items dictated in this article about rcg-s are not stipulated, it remains a ponzi scheme. Do ensure to thread wisely!

Also we have reviewed a lot of legitimate websites where you can earn money by working legitimately on the internet. CLICK HERE to access them for free.

Do ensure to join our community of over 1400+ subscribers on YouTube where we share the latest ways to earn money online. CLICK HERE to subscribe for free.

Kindly leave your questions, contributions or confusions in the comments box below, peace.


About Stefan C.

Focused On bringing you the best educational and finance related topics that will impact your life and the lives of millions.
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