Review: Legit Or Scam? [Deep Inner Look]

Hold on to your seats, affiliates/potential affiliates, because we’re about to take a closer look at—a platform that claims to be the ultimate go-to for affiliate beginners seeking to make some serious money. But wait, can we really trust these claims? Let’s delve into the depths and find out!

Established back in 2014, MyLead is no newcomer to the affiliate network scene. But does being around for a while automatically guarantee credibility? That’s the question lingering in the air. With a mission to reward affiliates based on their performance, this platform certainly aims to attract those hungry for success. But can they really deliver this promise?

Hailing from Poland, this company boasts an impressive track record of collaborating with over 20,000 affiliates. They proudly wave the banner of offering a staggering 600 affiliate programs. Sounds like a lot, right? It’s as if they’ve built a grand shopping mall packed to the brim with tempting opportunities. But are these programs truly worth the hype, or is it just a mirage in the desert of affiliate marketing?

So, my curious comrades, are you ready to venture into the realm of and uncover the truth behind their promises? Buckle up and let’s embark on this journey together, as we separate the wheat from the chaff and unveil the secrets that lie within this affiliate network. Stay tuned, because the path ahead is filled with twists and turns that will leave us questioning whether is a diamond in the rough or just another flash in the pan.

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What Is

Mylead is a CPA affiliate network that pays affiliates based on completed actions/performance. Simply put, it is a performance based CPA network. For those who might still not grab, it simply means that to earn money on mylead you need to generate a sale.

With over $8 million paid out to affiliates, MyLead certainly has a track record to boast about. They flaunt a wide selection of over 2500 offers across 16 categories, ranging from CPA, CPS, CPL to COD and PPI. But can this network truly live up to the hype?

Joining MyLead is supposedly a breeze. Once you sign up, they promise to assign you a dedicated account manager to cater to your needs. You get to cherry-pick the offers that catch your eye, slap some links and banners on your website, and start promoting away. The more sales you generate, the more commissions you’ll receive.

Now, here’s where MyLead claims to stand out—rapid payouts within 48 hours and a low withdrawal threshold of $20. It all sounds convenient, doesn’t it? And let’s not forget about their supposedly exceptional support team.

See Also: Review: Legit Or Scam? [Truth Revealed]

MyLead also offers a publisher training system to educate newcomers. They claim to provide access to an initial course on affiliate marketing and even offer a mentor for assistance. They sweeten the deal by throwing in free monetization tools like Content Lockers and comparison engines. They also highlight their range of smartlink offers designed to maximise profits. However, in an industry where many networks leave you to figure things out on your own, it’s worth questioning the quality and depth of the training they provide.

Let’s not forget the accolades MyLead has received. They were crowned the best affiliate network with smartlinks in 2020 and won the Conversion Club prize for the best affiliate network for ecommerce. They even made it onto the prestigious Deloitte Technology Fast50 Central Europe list in 2020.

As you dive into the world of MyLead, it’s crucial to approach their claims with a sceptical eye. Take the time to thoroughly evaluate their offers, support, and training to ensure it aligns with your expectations. After all, in an industry filled with promises, it’s wise to tread cautiously before placing your trust in any affiliate network, including MyLead.

How Does Work

As an affiliate who is seeking to earn money from mylead, the working process is very straightforward.

Affiliates sign up and create free accounts on mylead. This gives them access to the available products and CPA offers that are hosted on mylead. The affiliate then scans through these products and selects a product of their choice.

At this juncture, the affiliate can create sales funnels, landing pages, websites etc to promote their chosen product or offer. When their audience performs an action in line with the offer (lead, sale, survey etc) the affiliate is rewarded.

Once a sale is made, your account is credited immediately. After accumulating some money, affiliates can then request for withdrawal upon reaching the minimum withdrawal threshold.

This is the basic affiliate cycle of mylead affiliates/publishers. After making a sale, you rinse and repeat the entire process again. When sales begin to decline, you change your strategy and re-strategize.

Is legit Or A Scam?

Now to deal with the elephant sized question in the room, is mylead legit or a scam? Well simple answer is a legit website. Mylead has proven beyond reasonable doubt to be a legitimate website. And Bhustle has outlined all the proofs of its legitimacy below;

📌 Mylead has been in existence for close to 10 years. It was established in 2014.

📌 According to similar web statistics, Mylead averages over 600,000 monthly visitors.

📌 Unlike most ponzi schemes, the CEO of Mylead is known and not anonymous.

📌 Mylead has an excellent rating (averaging 4.0+ out of 5 stars) across numerous rating websites.

How To Register On

To become an affiliate or publisher on Mylead follow the instructions below;

👉 Go to and on the homepage click on “Create A Free Account“. Or CLICK HERE to proceed.

👉 Fill up the registration form that follows. It is subdivided into three sections, filling up each section carefully.

👉 In the course of filling the form, you will be asked to verify your gmail address. After this you can successfully login to your mylead account.

👉 Congratulations👏, you have successfully created your new mylead affiliate account.

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How To Make Money On

There are many numerous ways to make money on Mylead. However, below are some of the most effective and popular ways recommended by mylead themselves;

Cost Per Lead (CPL)

First up is CPL, the commission model for customer acquisition. Mylead claims that banks, loan brokers, and telecommunications companies flock to this model. It sounds appealing, right? But how reliable is it? Well it’s pretty reliable because most CPA affiliate networks have their backbone around Cost Per Lead offers. So it’s entirely not new to see the same offer type on Mylead.

Cost Per Action (CPA)

Next, we have CPA, the elusive world of cost per action. Mylead dangles the possibility of earning thousands of dollars for each client who completes a specific action. It sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, brace yourself for reality. Customers might bear the brunt of using the service, and it’s the advertisers who call the shots. So, while the potential for big bucks exists, tread cautiously and question if the risks outweigh the rewards.

See Also: Review: Legit Or Scam? [Truth Revealed]

Cost Per Sale (CPS)

CPS, the commission model for customer purchases, takes centre stage next. Mylead claims that online stores, including giants like AliExpress, opt for this model. They paint a picture of bloggers and portal owners effortlessly raking in the dough while creating quality content. Cost Per Sale is mostly associated with affiliate marketing however, only few CPA sites incorporate CPS. And Mylead happens to be one of them, pretty good.

Pay Per Install (PPI)

PPI, or pay per install, catches our attention next. Mylead tempts us with the prospect of earning rewards for each application downloaded by customers. They assure us that installations are free and the client’s device remains unharmed.


SMS steps into the spotlight as Mylead offers remuneration for mobile phone payments and premium rate text messages. They boast about one-time payments and subscriptions, enticing publishers with unique landing pages and opportunities.

Mylead Smartlinks

Finally, Mylead presents us with smartlinks, their global offering. They claim to have cracked the code, providing a single campaign that automatically redirects customers to portals in their local language. It sounds like a magic wand, doesn’t it?

How To Make Money On

How To Withdraw Earnings On Mylead

To withdraw your earnings on mylead you need to first and foremost select/choose a payment method. To do that simply follow the steps below;

👉 Login to your Mylead affiliate account.

👉 Click on the menu icon at the top left hand side of the screen.

👉 Select the menu option titled “Profile” and select the sub menu option “Settings“.

👉 On the new page, select the option “Payments“. Choose any of the available payment methods and input your details.

Now that you have successfully added your withdrawal details, you can now request for withdrawal whenever you reach the threshold.

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👍 It is a legit way to make money through affiliate marketing.

👍 Mylead has a Bhustle rating of 4.0 out of 5.

👍 Over 600,000 average monthly users.

👍 Very low withdrawal limit ($20).


👎 Slow response from the customer support team.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is The CEO of Mylead Global?

The chief executive officer (CEO) of mylead global is Patryk Hoffmann.

What Is The Minimum Withdrawal Threshold On Mylead?

The minimum withdrawal payout/threshold on mylead global is $20. After reaching this amount, affiliates can request for withdrawal.

What Are The Payment Methods On Mylead Global?

The payment methods on mylead global include; PayPal, Skrill, Bitcoin, Tether, Revolut, Capitalist, IO Money and Qiwi.

Final Verdict

Bhustle rates Mylead 4 out of 5 stars. Considering the immense number of users and positive reviews about Mylead. No doubt they are a reputable cpa affiliate network.

In connection with, there are tons of other CPA affiliate networks that could also fetch you income as an affiliate. And lucky for you, we at Bhustle have reviewed quite a number of them. Simply click HERE to check them out.

Also feel free to make a comment down below if you have any questions, confusions or even further contributions about Mylead global.

About Stefan C.

Focused On bringing you the best educational and finance related topics that will impact your life and the lives of millions.
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