Review: Legit Or Scam? [Truth Revealed]

Are you tired of sifting through countless affiliate networks, wondering which one will truly make you passive income? Well, buckle up, because today we’re taking a sceptical dive into the world of This platform claims to be the real deal, offering a multitude of revenue models like CPA, CPL, CPI, CPS, and CPC. But can they truly live up to the hype? Let’s explore together, shall we?, based in Bangladesh, has been around since 2016, flaunting its services to both advertisers and publishers. But here’s where the questions start to arise. How can we be sure that CPALance is the right fit for you ? With so many affiliate networks out there, it’s like navigating a labyrinth, hoping to stumble upon a hidden treasure. Can CPALance be that treasure, or is it just fool’s gold?

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: account approval. CPALance claims to review websites and apps of publishers before giving them the green light. But is this process thorough enough? Are they truly committed to ensuring quality and legitimacy? After all, a network is only as strong as its members, and we need to be confident that CPALance has our backs.

In this quest for the ultimate affiliate network, we must be wary of enticing promises and dig deeper into the core of So, fasten your seatbelt and get ready to uncover the truth behind the buzz. Can CPALance rise above the rest and emerge as the shining star of the affiliate universe? Let’s find out together, one question at a time.

See Review: Legit Or Scam? [Deep Inner Look]

What Is

Picture this: a passion project fueled by the collective expertise of seasoned affiliate marketers, brought to life by the visionary CEO, Ruhul Ameen. This is the story of CPALance, a rising star in the affiliate marketing realm. But what makes them stand out from the crowd? Let’s delve into the world of CPALance and explore the secrets behind their success.

Since its launch in January 2016, CPALance has been on a mission to solve the everyday challenges faced by affiliate marketers. Their team, consisting of industry veterans, understands the ins and outs of this competitive landscape like no other. They’ve been there, done that, and now they’re determined to pave the way for their fellow marketers to reach new heights.

With a whopping 2,500 affiliates and 175 advertisers on board, CPALance has left a trail of satisfied customers across the globe. It’s like having a secret weapon in your arsenal, backed by a community of like-minded individuals who understand your struggles and are ready to conquer them together.

But that’s not all. CPALance goes above and beyond by providing a treasure trove of 200 top-converting offers, carefully curated to maximise your earning potential. It’s like having a map to a hidden treasure, guiding you to the gold mines of success. And the best part? These offers are available in 137 GEOs worldwide, ensuring that you can tap into global markets and seize every opportunity that comes your way.

But what sets CPALance apart is their unwavering commitment to their members. They’ve assembled a dream team of efficient and experienced account managers who act as both guides and allies on your affiliate marketing journey. Think of them as your personal navigators, always there to steer you in the right direction and help you overcome any obstacles that may arise. And when it comes to customer support, CPALance takes it to the next level. Their dedicated representatives are at your service 24/7, ready to address your needs and resolve any issues that may crop up along the way. It’s like having a personal concierge, ensuring that you’re never left stranded in the vast sea of affiliate marketing.

Now, let’s talk about the publishers. CPALance understands that variety is the spice of life, and that’s why they offer access to a wide range of verticals. From Android to Beauty, from Finance to Health, they’ve got you covered. It’s like having a buffet of options, allowing you to choose the verticals that align with your passions and expertise. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or a health aficionado, CPALance has something for everyone.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a journey of affiliate marketing success, CPALance is your trusty companion. With their proven track record, extensive network, and unwavering support, they’re here to help you navigate the choppy waters and emerge victorious. 

How Does CPAlance Work

There is entirely no secret concerning the working principles of CPAlance. First you have to create an affiliate account. CPAlance manually approves affiliate accounts, therefore, you might have to wait a few days to receive an approval or denial email from the team.

If your account is approved by then you can access your affiliate dashboard. There are tons of offers which you can promote and earn. Simply go through the offers and pick the best option for you.

Promote the offer you have chosen to your audience. And when you make a sale/conversion your earnings will be reflected on your user dashboard.

Simultaneously, you can request for withdrawal after reaching the payout threshold on CPAlance. 

This is the simple working model of a typical CPAlance affiliate. For advertisers the cycle is quite different.

Is CPAlance Legit Or Scam?

Now let us get straight to the point. Is legit or a scam? CPAlance is a legitimate website. As an affiliate this could be a great way to multiply your earnings.

However as an advertiser, we do not think CPAlance is a great platform to get leads. The reason is because we noticed via similar web that the traffic coming to CPAlance’s official website has reduced drastically.

 As at the time of recording this article, their similar web traffic statistics (May 2023) displays just about 2000 visitors. Which is very bad for advertisers.

But overall, CPAlance has stood the test of time and is currently still in operation. Coupled with its numerous positive remarks from different rating websites. Hence, we can generally conclude that CPAlance is indeed legit.

How To Sign Up On CPAlance

👉 Go to CPAlance official website. Click HERE to proceed.

👉 On the homepage, click on “Join as Affiliate”. Proceed to click on “Become an Affiliate today“.

👉 Carefully fill up the affiliate form that follows with your correct details/information.

👉 Finally, accept the terms and conditions and click on “Create Account“.

👉 Your application will be sent for review. As a general rule of thumb, you should expect a reply between 24-48 hours.

Congratulations👏, you have successfully created your CPAlance affiliate account. It’s time to monetize your traffic and earn.

How To Make Money On CPAlance

There are two major ways to make money on CPAlance. These ways differ between the advertisers and the affiliates

For Affiliates

The main way to earn as an Affiliate on CPAlance is to promote their affiliate offers. As seen earlier on, these offers compose of CPA (Cost Per Action), CPI (Cost Per Impression), CPL (Cost Per Lead) etc.

All you need to make money as an affiliate is to first and foremost have a steady and reliable source of traffic. This traffic source could be a website, an Instagram (theme) page, twitter space with massive following, Facebook group/page, YouTube channel etc.

Next up is to create a CPAlance account. This is completely free of cost. If your account is approved by the admins, then you can access your dashboard and start promoting these offers.

The amount you make depends on the type of offer you are promoting. And most importantly, how much the advertisers are willing to give you as an affiliate of their product.

For Advertisers

For advertisers, the ultimate way to make money on CPAlance is to get a higher ROI on ad spend. ‘ROI’ stands for ‘Return On Investment’.

CPAlance assures advertisers of quality traffic that will convert to sales. Very obviously if advertisers do not get value for their money on CPAlance, the platform would have been dead a long time ago.

So what are the criteria to earn on CPAlance as an advertiser? Have a good product or offer you want to promote. Bet good and high quality landing pages. And finally have a moderate capital for advertising. Most new advertisers might give up on online advertising after a few failures.

But let’s not forget, you have to test and test until you find the best creatives then subsequently double down on it. Earning Method

CPAlance Payment Methods

The publishers shall receive payment on a monthly basis, every 15 days, twice a week, and weekly. The minimum payout amount is set at $50. Payment can be made through PayPal, Payoneer, or ACH.


👍 It is a legit affiliate network.

👍The minimum payout threshold is small, $50.

👍 has good reviews across various rating sites.

👍 Affiliates have individual account managers to attend to their needs.


👎 Requires approval before affiliates are accepted.

👎 Has the tendency to promote dishonest offers to your audience.

👎 Very poor number of monthly users according to similar web statistics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is The Owner/CEO Of CPAlance?

The CEO and founder of CPAlance is Ruhul Ameen. The company was officially launched in January 2016 and has been in operations ever since then.

What Are Payout Methods For CPAlance?

The payment methods available on CPAlance are through PayPal, Payoneer or ACH.

What Is The Minimum Withdrawal Limit On CPAlance?

The minimum withdrawal threshold or limit on CPAlance is $50. Once affiliates achieve this milestone, they can request for withdrawal and receive their earnings.

Final Verdict

In general Bhustle rates CPAlance 2 out of 5 stars. It is a good way to earn no doubt, but definitely not the best website to earn via CPA affiliate marketing. In light with this, we at Bhustle have compiled a list of some of the most notable CPA affiliate networks you should look into.

Click Here to access them now. Also feel free to ask your questions down in the comments box below. Finally, it is important to note that Bhustle was not paid/sponsored to write this article. We solely carried out our investigation and brought you this masterpiece.

About Stefan C.

Focused On bringing you the best educational and finance related topics that will impact your life and the lives of millions.
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