In this article we are going to be decoding the legitimacy of website. It is very understandable that after the outbreak of BBRFUN on the internet a lot of similar gaming websites broke out. However, can such be said about Africa365?
Well not to worry, because this website seems to be very much quite different from the rest. But before we spill the beans here are some important questions we shall be answering in this guide; Is Africa365 legit? How Does Africa365 Work? How Can I Withdraw My Earnings On Africa365? And so much more!
Note: It is important to note that Bhustle are not in any paid partnership/sponsorship from Africa365 to write this article. We simply carried out our research and penned down our discoveries and verdict.
Feel free to make use of the table of contents below to enable you to navigate through this article easily. With that said, let’s begin!
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What Is Africa365
Unlike the others, is a renowned iGaming platform dedicated to uplifting communities across Africa. In fact, Africa365 is a sports book that hosts casino games.
According to statistics from whois domain checker, has been in existence ever since September 2004! This clearly shows that they are not just in for the trend but have a proven track record years of experience.
Africa365 has always been an online betting site. In fact, the user interface of the betting sites says alot about the platform even without guessing. So in general terms we can conclude that Africa365 is a sports/casino betting website where users stake money in hopes to make more money/returns.
But then why are they trending now? Very nice question. From our observation, we sensed that they picked up the trend in their market, which in this case was BBRFUN. You see, BBRFUN was gaining lots of attention, hence, Africa365 needed to do something to gain such an amount of traction too. Therefore, they incorporated some of the BBRFUN games into their websites as part of their casino games.
So, unlike the likes of, and, Africa365 was just exercising a marketing strategy. Now that we have seen what Africa365 is, I can guess you already know the answer about its legitimacy, nevertheless let’s proceed.
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How Does Africa365 Work?
Below is a step by step guide explaining exactly how Africa365 works;
📌 Interested users create a new Africa365 account to get started. You have to be 18 years and above to participate.
📌 After creating their account, interested users deposit and fund their account. The minimum deposit amount is #100.
📌 Interested users now play casino games such as Fortune tiger, Ganesha Gold, Limbo etc.
📌 When they win a game, they win money. On the other hand, if they lose a game they lose their bet amount.
📌 Users can request for withdrawals anytime at all provided they reach the withdrawal threshold.
The payments are made straight to your bank account. And there you have it, the step by step breakdown of exactly how Africa365 works. One major advantage on Africa365 is the fact that users can also bet on real sports events/tournaments like football, tennis etc just like major betting platforms.
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Is Africa365 Legit Or Scam?
Let’s quit the entire suspense and move straight to the point. Is africa365 legit? From what we have seen so far, Africa365 is a legit website. Unlike the similar platforms we have reviewed here on Bhustle, Africa365 passed the major tests of legitimacy which includes;
🔥Long period of existence. The domain was first registered in September, 2004. Over 19 years of existence!
🔥 Solid social media presence. They have accumulated thousands of followers across reputable social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

🔥Most importantly, they have a well known and represented CEO. The CEO of Africa365 is Jordan Stone. A website with a known CEO is legit! Why? Because you have someone to hold accountable for if things go wrong.
Overall, we at Bhustle conclude that Africa365 is a legitimate website and you should try it out if you have been hoarding some doubts. To get started on Africa365, we have outlined the step by step sign up guide below. Ensure to follow carefully.
How To Register On Africa365
To sign up on Africa365 follow the steps below carefully;
👉 Click HERE to proceed to the official Africa365 home page.
👉 Click on the sign up button at the top right side of the website as seen below:

👉 Input your email address and password in the space provided. Ensure you use a password you can remember.
👉 Input the code “10653179” in the referral code box. You get additional 120% on your first deposit.

👉 Ensure you are over 18 years before signing up on Africa365.
👉 Finally, click on the blue “Sign Up” button.
👉 Congratulations👏, you have successfully created your Africa365 account.
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You will automatically be redirected your your user dashboard. Now that you have created your account, the next important thing to do is to fund your account and start playing some casino games. Follow the guide below to get started.
How To Deposit On Africa365
To olaybganes on Africa365 you need to stake/bet on games. The good news is that on Africa365 you can deposit with as low as #100 unlike BBRFUN that requires a minimum deposit amount #2000. Follow the steps below to get started;
👉 Login to your Africa365 account which you just created.
👉 Click on the blue deposit button at the top right side if the page. Just besides your earnings balance.

👉 On the new page, under the tab titled ‘Choose a payment method’ click on button with the subheading “Naijapay“.
👉 You will be redirected to a new page where you are required to select your deposit amount. Although, the minimum deposit amount is #100, we recommend starting with #2000 because most times newbies end up losing lesser amounts.
👉 Select the box that reads “do not participate in promotions”. This way you get to withdraw your earnings without staking unnecessary bets to unlock your earnings.
The only downside is that you won’t be getting the rewards (an addition to your deposit amount as a sign up gift).

👉 Finally click on the green “Confirm” button.
👉 You will automawbe redirected to a landing page with the companies account details and your deposit amount. As shown below;

👉 Simply copy the account number (details) and make the transfer if your deposit amount to the company via the details provided.
👉 After making the transfer, return back to your dashboard and wait for a few minutes. Your deposit amount will be reflected on your dashboard.
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How To Play Games On Africa365
How To Withdraw Earnings On Africa365
👉 Click on the deposit button at the top right side of your user dashboard.
👉 On the deposit page, click on the withdraw tab below the screen as seen below:

👉 On the new page, select any of the two available mediums to receive your payment (naijapay or solpay).
Note: You can also receive your earnings via cryptocurrency (BTC, USDT and TRX). Just click on the crytpto tab beside the tab “Cash”. Input your choice coin and your wallet address.
👉 On the new page, input your correct bank details including your name, account number and the amount you want to withdraw.
👉 Finally, click on the green “CONFIRM” button.
Congratulations👏, you have just placed your withdrawal. Your earnings will be sent to you between the time of request to 24 hours.
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👍 It is a legitimate website to earn money via sports/games/casino betting.
👍 The minimum deposit amount is #100.
👍 Users can also bet on sports and other sports activities aside playing games.
👍 The owner/CEI of Africa365 is well known.
👍 You can also deposit via crypto currencies.
👎 In the end, it’s all gambling.
👎 Without proper caution and self restraint users can become seriously addictive.
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Final Verdict
We at Bhustle rate Africa365 3 out of 5 stars considering their transparency. However, we will not fail to urge you to gamble wisely. Only spend what you can afford to lose across these websites including Africa365.
We have also reviewed a lot of websites very similar to africa365. Simply click HERE to gain access to a whole lot of them.
Finally, feel free to ask your questions, confusions, contributions etc down in the comment section below. We would attend to each and every one of them. Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss out on more updates like this, peace.